Broadening Our Sense of Community

Eight different people putting their hands together.
Dear friends,

When Brian and I first talked about getting married, we both had imagined a small, private wedding with just close friends and family gathered. Of course, when we started to think about who would be invited (and therefore who would not be) we realized quickly the easier option (for two pastors) would be a “y’all come” event, which would let us celebrate with more of the people we love, too.

Either option had its merits. What we lost by inviting a crowd was the intimate time to connect with those for whom we feel the most gratitude and affection—the ability to linger in the comfort and ease of the presence of those we know and love best. But, there was also so much to be gained by sharing the joy and power of that time together, blending communities and people from across our various paths to broaden that shared experience of hope and blessing. 

I expect that there were many in Jesus’ sphere who wished for more intimate time and space with him—who longed for more moments of his undivided attention, compassion, even healing. It’s actually hard to imagine that anyone who met him wouldn’t long for more of that. But our scripture this week reminds us that serving a small group of friends, or just a few small towns wasn’t what he was sent to do. He wasn’t meant to be the family doctor, the neighborhood mediator, or even the local church pastor, but rather the inspiration for a movement that would connect families and neighbors and communities of faith together beyond their previous boundaries. He was sent to bring good news that wasn’t meant to be kept, but shared.

As his disciples, we get to enjoy the blessings of Jesus’ presence with us—personally, intimately. And, there are times he invites us to follow him beyond the more comfortable spaces and relationships we have built to share what we have witnessed with others—broadening the experience of hope and blessing, and perhaps even the community with whom we can celebrate this good news of peace and joy. 

I give thanks for all who shared in our celebration with us last weekend, and for the ongoing opportunity to share what God is doing in our lives and our midst together with you as disciples on this journey of faith.

Pastor Darin

Transformative Encounters