Plan Your Visit

Welcome to St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. We are so happy that you found us and we look forward to meeting you. We know that visiting a new church can sometimes feel uncomfortable. So that your time with us can be as relaxed as possible, here are a few things you can expect when you come to worship with us for the first time.


Sunday morning worship takes place in the sanctuary with the beautiful blue stained glass. There is visitor parking on the north side of the building. This parking is for you! If it is full, there is additional parking in the lower lot.


All are invited at St. Mark’s and we consider our warmth and welcome one of our greatest strengths. You can expect around 100 people in attendance during the 9:30 am worship. You will be greeted with a warm smile as you enter the door and an usher will be happy to help guide you as needed.


All children are invited to participate in the Children’s Time at the beginning of the service. Immediately following that time, they may attend age-appropriate Sunday School. Friendly volunteers and ushers will assist the children to kid’s church, a one room Sunday school experience for 4-11 year olds. We have child care available for infants and toddlers in rooms 1 and 2. Children of all ages are always welcome in worship, too.

Sunday Church Service

St. Mark’s has a friendly gathering with music, prayer, and an inspiring sermon. You will hear music from our organist who plays both the organ and piano and hear songs from our adult choir. The congregation is invited to sing both traditional and contemporary hymns and read unison prayers that are printed for you in the weekly worship bulletin. You also may hear special music from our bell choir or children’s choir. On the first Sunday of every month, we share in Holy Communion and all are welcome to come forward and share in this special meal reminding us of God’s love for us.


You will not be asked to stand or made to feel “on the spot” at any time. After worship, we have a special gift for you and we would love to keep in touch with you so we invite you to sign in on the registration pad. A volunteer at our Welcome Center will give you your gift and is available to answer any questions you might have.


You are welcome to dress as you are comfortable on a Sunday morning- for some that is casual and for others it is dressy. You will see both at St. Mark’s. Our pastor and choir members are in robes except in the warmer summer months.


Worship usually lasts for one hour and afterwards you are welcome to enjoy coffee and fellowship on our patio.


St. Mark’s is located in the Clairemont neighborhood of San Diego, CA.

3502 Clairemont Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92117